Saidan, S.Pd
Kepala Sekolah
Welcome to Ajibarang State Senior High School (SMAN 1 Ajibarang). Established in 1984, SMAN 1 Ajibarang is one of the biggest high schools in Banyumas Regency, Central Java. Located strategically near the city square and city centre of Ajibarang with 2,4 hectare and more than 63% green open spaces, the school is very potential as a friendly environment-based school as well as an ideal place for learning centre. Recenty the school has been acknowledged and rewarded as National and Mandiri Adiwiyata School in 2016 and 2018, First Winner of Province Model of Quality Assurance Practices by LPMP in 2018, Number 1 National Green School in 2022, Number 1 Province Best Achievement of Healthy School and Energy savings in 2019 as well as 2nd Province Best Library of High School in 2021. Morning briefing and cooling dews-like messages and positive constructive inspiring sharings are spread among members of the school community to start everyday’s dedication and devotion toward education with the best practice in our school: 30 minutes before seven to establish characters with various programs and activities.
With more than 1162 students and 98 staffs, SMAN 1 Ajibarang is one of the biggest schools in south western part of Central Java. To build the strong inter sectoral partnerships, the school has maintaned close relations and communications with all stake holders such as students’ parents, school committee, local as well as regional goverments and communities. To prepare the students to be part of global citizens and International community, the school gives media for developing all aspects of life including the mastery and practices of foreign languages without forgetting the roots of local and national values, cultures and languages. To boost the students’ future successes and help them develop their life skills based on their potentials, talents and interests, the school provides complete media and facilities as well as conducive learning atmospheres both in academic and non academic services as well as in intra-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
As the school is one of the public institutions aiming at delivering wide and open access of qualified high school educations for all citizens and community, this website can be used as one of the bridges or media for public informations and communications. With school mission “Building the nation generations who have high and noble qualities in spiritual, intellectual, social, personal and professional competencies and environmental awareness”, we are hand in hand working together, with the supports, participations, contributions and dedication from all stake holders, to achieve what we have committed in the vision and missions. And it is our hope, pride and happiness when our students are ready to take part in building the community, serving the country and contributing to our beloved nation, our motherland Indonesia. God bless Ajibarang State Senior High School. Thank you very much.
Ajibarang, 17-8- 2022
The Principal
Mr. S A I D A N